
Woohoo! just hit 2 million views on YouTube! who would have thought? thanks so much to you all for your support. I couldn’t get this far without you all!

So which Quilting Tips & Techniques video tutorial do you like the best?

About GourmetQuilter

My name is SusanClaire Mayfield and I live in a delightful old home in the country in New Zealand. I have been quilting for many years and have been designing quilting patterns for a long time now! I love to design and write patterns for quilts and bags and other quilt related items and now have quite a large range.
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32 Responses to Woohoo!!

  1. I haven’t seen very many, so I can answer your question. But hearty congratulations to you!

  2. Sandy@UpStairsHobbyRoom says:

    They are all good, but the quilt as you go, opened my quilting world up, for many projects!!! Fantastic!!

  3. I think I have seen them all; and many multiple times!! I share your link with anybody who is a new quilter. I have learned an awful lot in the last year & 1/2 from you. I love them all, so can’t give you a number. Used your ideas for my Celebration banner I made last month (Yours was called bunting I believe). Referred to it several times while I was making my project. :Thanks for all you do. Got my pattern this morning for “THAT SHOULDER BAG”, so no doubt will be watching a few more times as I make the project. Clearing up at least 1 UFO before I start something new.

  4. Anna says:

    I’m thrilled for you. I watch your YouTube clips often and always learn a little more.

  5. Vicki Fridle says:

    Congratulations! I love your videos. They are very educational and entertaining.

  6. Catherine Sofikitis says:

    I love everything about your videos. I loved touring your studio. I wish I could come for tea. I have learned so much from you. Catherine

    Sent from my iPad


  7. magspwall@yahoo.ie says:

    Hi Susan,

    Delighted to see you have over 2million hits. You so deserve it! I have always loved crafting – especially knitting (I even knit school jumpers in my day for pin money) and crochet and now am a self taught quilter since 2013 after I visited my daughter who lives in Australia (I live in Ireland ). It was there I first discovered quilting and attended some classes with Kath, my daughter’s mother-in-law (lovely lady) who is a brilliant quilter. She made a wedding quilt for my daughter who was married in Australia (which My husband and I attended) but when we had a wedding party in Ireland for her, mother -in-law brought the back of the quilt to Ireland with her and had it signed by all the Irish family and friend – you should see the finished quilt – so magical/delicious!!!!The front of the quilt is just colour – representing the four seasons in a swirl of colour -just beautiful.

    I never miss your tutorials, I just love them and have learned SO much from you and have bought and made several of your patterns, so lovely and clear. You are gifted as a teacher and a lovely down-to-earth lady – thank you for your clear, concise and practical tips. I know your are in England on your boat at present visiting family and friends. Wish I could be nearer my daughter, and only grandchild with another on the way!!!! Getting too old for the long flights which I have done four times already.

    You are an inspiration, and I wish you all the joy and happiness life can hold for you. Enjoy your sojourn in UK and safe return to New Zealand whenever that happens! In the meantime- I will be watching!!!!

    kindest retards, and thank you so much.


    Sent from my iPad


    • Hi Mags, Thanks so much. I love the story of your daughters quilt, thanks for telling me. As to the long flights, I always take some stitching and a pencil and paper for quick patchwork sketching, just in case! It allows me to think for a while on the journey. I also don’t like the long flights, mostly because I can’t sleep on the plane, but they are a means to an end!!

  8. Congratulations! Thoroughly enjoy your teaching style, Clear explanations combined with a wonderful sense of humor. You inspire us to play with our blocks, play with our layouts and especially to doodle with our noodles. I eagerly look forward to each and every tutorial. I have watched all but I think my favorite is That Garden Quilt. It combines your skill and humor in the design. I’m loving it! Thank you and congratulations to you and your camera person/font of all knowledge. Congratulations again.

  9. Alice Dize says:

    I have used the wonky windmills several times. I usually make them with star inside. Also made a bunch of the snap purses. I enjoy your travel stories. Thanks

  10. The quilt-as-you-go were wonderful. Thanks.

  11. textisle says:

    I`ve only watched the how to join quilt as you go blocks video, but I`ve watched it several times. Yours is by far the clearest explanation and I`ll be doing it as soon as I get enough blocks done. And will be watching more of your videos, Susan, thank you!

  12. Tanya Hughes Perth Western Australia says:

    oh wow! Thank you so much for all that you do – I have enjoyed watching them and often refer to them again as i need to. Your fabric choices and simple tips are very helpful and have really inspired me on my journey thank you so much – keep them coming!!!

  13. Cheryl Gascoyne says:

    Congratulations, anyone who so generously shares their knowledge so freely deserves that very sizable pat on the back. I watch them over and over but I do have a soft spot for the hens helping with your quilting in the garden. That one always makes me smile and last night I watched the tutorial again on adding a flange to make a little statement of colour or design to a block. That is also a goody.Your excellent cameraman/husband makes great videos, he is very good at smooth close ups.Thank you both and long may you continue.

    • Wow, thank you so much! Yes, the chickens are keen to be involved! Here in the UK on the canals we find that the swans, Canadian geese and ducks take quite an interest too!

  14. Elke says:

    Depending of what I want to do the first I am doing is have a look on your videos.
    Thank you for all the lessons. I never had such a good teacher.
    I really can’t tell you wich one is the best!!
    Best regards

  15. rgarone says:

    congrats on 2 million and 2 million more. you got that far because you’re that good and we all enjoy you. happy boating!

  16. trkingmomoe says:

    I watch you all the time. I have been since you first posted on you tube. Congratulations.

  17. Rosie says:

    Susan: I have enjoyed ALL your videos and have seen many of them more than once. Today I’m in the finishing stages of completing a king size quilt using your quilt-as-you-go method. It’s been a breeze. Thank you. So glad you are enjoying your new “floating palace” and look forward to your future videos. ps: Your camera man does a fantastic job too!

  18. Darlene Kuechenmeister says:

    I love all your videos and have watched them many, many times each…one of my favorites is the doodles with noodles #9, having made 2 quilts so far using it as a guide. Each time I post a picture on my FB page of a finished one I get requests to make more! You are so very creative with the simplest of things, strips and of course 5″ squares…and I quite enjoy your wonderful use of bright colors! Best wishes, Susan, and thank you so much for your tutorials!

  19. Linda says:

    Congratulations Susan! I do love watching your videos. I am new at quilting and have loved your videos. They have been so helpful to me. Keep up the good work.

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